4 reasons to write your resume with Markdown

kavya Kavya

In the tech industry, we often use Markdown to write readme files or take notes. It’s also extensively used in platforms like Reddit, Github, Notion and the like. And if you’re in any academic field, it’s likely that you are familiar with LaTex. So you already know how simple syntax can help format content easily.

Apart from quick formatting, there are several reasons why we recommend writing your resume in Markdown.

Summary of the article highlighting 4 reasons to write resume in Markdown 4 reasons to write your resume with Markdown

1. Increased focus on your content

Content is the heart of your resume. But quite often we spend more time on its design and aesthetics. With Markdown’s syntax, you can write neatly formatted content first and then apply various themes or designs tailored to your needs.

2. Easier to keep it updated

It is recommended to revisit your resume at least twice a year to keep it updated with your latest achievements, responsibilities and skills. With file formats like DOC, PDF, Tex or JPG it is extremely difficult (sometimes impossible) to edit without using any additional tools. In contrast, Markdown is just a text file which can be easily edited. Moving your sections around is as simple as cutting and pasting text. You can even store this file in a git repository to keep track of the changes made over time.

3. Flexibility to switch designs & styles

Markdown is rendered as HTML. And with a sprinkle of CSS you can create a beautiful, crisp and unique design for your resume. You can even change this design at any point of time without making any changes to your core content. We have a bunch of CSS themes for Markdown which you can apply in a jiffy.

4. Better readability

Markdown provides structure for your content in a relatively simple way because of its simple plain-text-formatting syntax.


In a nutshell, Markdown is a great tool for formatting your resume with advantages like maintainability, readability and flexibility. What’s great is that Markdown is lightweight, so you don’t have to learn a lot to get started.

You can create your resume with Markdown easily in 2 simple steps on Resumey.Pro